"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Friday, April 30, 2010

Its in his kiss... thats where it is!!

So in the movie date night, another reoccurring theme was "lighting it up." And how at the end of the day when you have worked, cleaned, cooked, cared for children... just getting yourself in bed takes every last bit of energy.  Much less "Lighting it up."  We can all get stuck in routine sometimes but just doing something completely different , even something small, shows that you are making an effort to light it up.  What may work for me and the CEO of his business may not work for you and your partner.  For example, I have found that just changing my "PJ's" or lack there of... has "lit him up."  I am not talking about trashy just simple... classy lace or tad see through.  It is pretty... I feel pretty... and he tells me just how pretty he thinks I am :) I have always said that I am more the "funny girl" and less the "kitten"... but he finds funny girl sexy so there you have it!! Listen to what he wants... maybe he does NOT want you to wear a lot of make-up, maybe he wants you to wear make-up, maybe he likes a certain outfit, maybe just dress up for no reason, maybe he likes a massage, a fun text, or a love note.  Whatever it is... as "CEO of my house" it is your responsibility that your partner gets a proper ROI (return on investment).  Just as he should light it up for you and do special things that you like... flowers, communication, massage, surprise spa day, a cute little note, a fun text, a lovely love affirmation... And please do not forget to kiss each other!!! My friend told me once that kissing just did not happen anymore after 5 years of marriage and it scared me.  As CEO of my house I put kissing in the "mission statement" and am keeping my fingers crossed that it stays an important part of our relationship.
Visit Victorias Secret, by a new shade of lipstick, use a new perfume, break out the markers and make a love note. Whatever you do, it is springtime... get some pep in your step... wake up and smell the roses :)

Have a beautiful day

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