"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Staying cool in the hot seat...

"Tension is who you think you should be.  Relaxation is who you are."  ~Chinese Proverb
 Every CEO (home and business) should "clock out" and enjoy life.  It is hard to let someone come in and stir things up especially when you know that you are going to have to clean up the mess.  But without life's little blunders... what would give you experience?  A new CEO is like someone with new money. They want to flaunt the power and ego uncontrollably... unknowing that they could loose what they have at any minute.  An experienced CEO has grace and moves fluidly without haste or bother... seamlessly getting the job done.  These are extremes of course and I think the greatest CEO sits right in the middle "controllably uncontrollable."   Everyday you are still learning, but are able to show what you have learned.  I have grown up watching and being very close to successful CEO of the house and business... and as a new CEO I am learning how stress and attitude gets you nowhere fast.  I have had a very stressful last two weeks with people in the house, new puppy and travel.  I have lost my cool on occasion and realize that if I had it all to do it over again... I would have taken a deep breath, put on a happy face, and ENJOYED life a little more.  My fault and greatest attribute is in planning and details.  When it involves our home, I completely fall apart when something is not prepared or I have not had time to think about it and organize the basics.  Today is a new day and I am starting to be recharged and things are getting back to "normal."  I work great under pressure because I am prepared... but stress is not a friend of mine.

Forbes.com Battling CEO Stress (side comments provided by CEOofMyHouse)
1) Find an outlet (shopping, exercise, beauty...something for you)
2) Get a massage (yes!! mani/pedi count... go pick color!!)
3) Get your zzzzzzzzzzz's
4) Have a sense of humor (laughter is the best medicine)
5) Lead a healthy lifestyle
6) Have an understanding spouse or partner (appreciate each other)
7) Learn how to delegate (we all need help)
8) Make money (CEOofMyHouse may or may not bring home a "paycheck" but our work is priceless... especially when you raise children)
9) Meditate (even if it is when you are putting yourself to sleep)
10) Schedule vacations (if you do not have a large budget have a day vacation... it cuts down on hotel bills and travel expenses)

Have a beautiful day

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