"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Friday, April 2, 2010

Airing my dirty Laundry

I received my first request to talk about my crazy laundry methods!! You may think it takes up too much time but I have been doing laundry this way for so long I can not imagine doing it any other way.  I think it saves time because colors and similar clothing/other items are all together and make putting away these items more efficient.  I believe this saves your clothes and keeps them looking better longer.  If you invest in quality items you should invest in the care.  I think quality products produce quality outcomes.  With so many products on the market... eco friendly, sensitive skin, natural products, etc it really depends on your personal perception of quality.  It may seem to be a bit costly with the initial investment, but with the extension of the life and quality of your items... I think it is all a wash (pardon the pun). Here you go...

The Products
April fresh Downy (blue liquid)
Aloe Downy (the white liquid)
Bounty dryer sheets (these also work well to pick up dust and freshen a room)
Bleach (i am horrible with bleach and get it on everything but it is necessary)
The least expensive detergent (look for sales and buy one get one)
Woolite Dark

Is there method to my madness...

I separate whites, lite colors, bright colors, dark colors, blacks and navy, jeans, Juicy (i wear a lot of juicy it is like my house uniform... cute and comfy), bath towels, bed linens, light delicate, dark delicate, bath mats, dish towels, cleaning towels.  Sometimes I will consolidate upon my discretion and the correct products will be determined.  Dry clean only and shirts go to the cleaners.  I do not Iron. 

*Whites, bath towels and bed linens (which are all white) get Tide, Aloe Downy, Bleach and dryer sheets.  Bath Towels and bed linens get sanitary setting.
*Light colors, bright colors (reds, pinks), dark colors (everything except blue and black) get Tide, white or blue Downy and dryer sheet.
*Blacks and navy get Woolite black, blue Downy and a dryer sheet.
*Juicy gets seperated into light and dark.. and delicate clothes are thrown into this pile as well. Woolite for the light and white pile, and Woolite dark for dark pile plus dryer sheet.
*Jeans get Woolite dark and an extra spin cycle.
*Bath mats, dish towels and cleaning towels get the cheap detergent and bleach.

Have a beautiful day!!


  1. Ooohh, great laundry tips. I am going to have to try the Aloe Downy, and get cheap detergent for the household stuff. I love your blog woman, very entertaining for a fellow CEO.

  2. I know how crazy you are with the laundry, some of it did rub off on me actually...I use a special detergent for my lacy things and ALWAYS use cold water on everything except sheets, towels, things that need to be sterilized.

  3. i am a laundry freak as well. quick tip: using bleach on sheets will make them bumpy. bleach breaks down the fibers in fabrics. if you have to use bleach, use the more gentle kind. sheets will last longer and stay softer!
