"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

finding a rhythm method

So the song "Money" by Pink Floyd keeps going through my head!! Not the lyrics but the beat.  I keep going from one thing to the next to the tune of the cash register in that song.  Chez "my house" is under construction!!! Unpacking from such a wonderful trip, still potty training the pup (who is getting into everything) and making sure the future mother-in-law is having a lovely visit.  That translates to lost of laundry, cleaning, organizing, folding, putting away, and cooking!!! At least I have found a rhythm for this project... thanks Pink Floyd!! I think music helps so much when taking on a larger than normal task around the house!!

have a beautiful day


  1. Take deep breaths,meditate and smile!! Itzallgud!! I love Pink Floyd!!

  2. I do that too with the music thing...too funny..:) Hope little Lexie is doing well.
