"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Friday, March 26, 2010

a little bit of this and a litle bit of that...

"Organized Chaos" best describes my every day life.  I have a place for everything so everything is put back in its place and also makes things easier to find.  However, I can never seem to find my keys... that could be a blog all on its own.  I have a routine for the "basics"... making the bed, picking up towels and clothes off the floor, sweeping, dishes, laundry, breakfast, clean kitchen, lunch, clean kitchen, clean a room, dinner, clean kitchen,  pick up things and return to its "place"... repeat.  you all know what I am saying when I say these are the "basics" because there are many more things :) And I don't even have a child yet... my appreciation to you mothers!!! This is the organized part... the rest of the day is chaos!! I am not just CEO of my house but I am also a producer, help my fiance with his "home run" business AND work at a spa 2 days a week.  This may sound like a lot but it is just chaos!! I only produce when I have something to produce... and since the recession, TV is not how the company I work for prefers to spend their marketing budget.  For example,  we have not filmed this year.  I help my fiance with his work and really enjoy it... until i mess up and feel like I let him down :( So i try not to mess up!!! Helping with his work and running the house fulfills any doubt I had about earning my keep!!  "paying your part when your not the breadwinner" or "how to calculate your "worth" when you do not get a paycheck" would be good topics!! Of course I think that my contributions are priceless ;) Back on the subject... working at the spa is sporadic because I am on call and may or may not go in on those 2 days.  "Organized Chaos"... I shall get back to it now :)

Have a beautiful day!!


  1. Love reading your blogs everyday and think that you contribute so much to your relationship and have a fun time doing it! I like you......alot!!

  2. This is a fun blog Taylor, keep up the good work.
