"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Raised by a single mom in Georgia is probably not the most "cookie cutter" environment for learning how to take care of a husband/household.  What she did teach me is that giving equals love.  I was raised by such a giving mom who sacrificed so much and gave me everything (mostly love, friendship and support... we did not have a lot of money).  And giving is exactly what you do when you are CEO of the household... you give a lot of your"self".  Being in a small town in Georgia taught family values... and I grew up with friends that had great "mom & dad" families.   Everything else I learned from the Brady Bunch, Flintstones and the Jetsons?!? Make sure the house is clean and cook and the husband will love you... I thought this sounded great.  As I got older, I did not see this lifestyle being an option.   I am motivated, somewhat independent and craved the 9-5 "suit" job where you get respect because you worked hard.  I have worked really hard, worked with really great people and because of my own choices I now get to do what I do best...Take care of the person I love.  Being CEO of this house requires a lot of work and patience (not quite as easy as TV made it look LOL) and at the end of the day it is rewarding.  Have I mentioned that he works from home too???  Getting engaged after knowing each other a month, moving into HIS house soon after, jumping into the role of CEO of this house, and learning how to work together as a couple that spends practically every minute together IS BLISSFUL INSANITY... and also creates a lot of material for me to blog about!!   I would not trade it for anything!! We are fortunate to be able to live the lifestyle that we live and still enjoy each others companionship 95% of the time :) Meeting new couples in this new city with similar situations, helps me to realize that hiccups are pretty normal and with a little humor life is good.  So when life gives you lemons... make lemonade, relax and enjoy it!!!

Ginger Mint Lemonade
juice of 4 large lemons
1-2 tbsp of fresh ginger grated (ginger is great if you get sea sick and to settle your tummy)
12 mint leaves (muddle to release essential oils)
1/2 cup sugar or honey 
fill the rest of the pitcher up with water


  1. Sounds like you have a wonderful mother who loves you very much and taught you the real values in life. You said it...at the end of the day if you are happy that is your biggest reward!

  2. Love this Taylor, you forgot something though, you are a good writer! :)

  3. Love it! Love the recipes too! :)
