"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Monday, March 29, 2010

are you looking for a "side business"...

I wish that there were more people following me because I have some very important questions. In light of recent events with Sandra and husband, and also many other wives and husbands... At what point did anyone decide that it is "OK" for the committed man to go to a strip club.  It seems that there are affairs with strippers all of the time and affairs in general (committed women too).  It is one thing for a man to look at pictures or watch videos... but to have a tangible women with all of her stuff rubbing up on him and the choice to go to a private room?!?! WHAT? I guess there are women at anytime that could seduce a man... or a man could find someone to cheat with at any given time AND vice versa.   How do some cultures (like polygamists) disregard the social stigma of cheating?  Why is there such a gray area with cheating... why are you with the person you are with if you desire other people? Why don't more people talk about this? Who is really to blame? Are you both at fault?  I consider myself to be a realist and I guess I never really cared because I always thought that I was just dating someone... and if they found someone else or I found someone else then it was not meant to be and move on.  Now, I have found the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with... and we are making a commitment to be together forever.  At the end of the day,  I guess my old philosophy is still in play but the stakes are higher.   The lady and the man of the house have to become partners... this is a lifelong business deal filled with high risk and security.  CEO of my house and CEO of his business must merge and have a confident partnership involving, but not limited to, communication, respect, loyalty, meetings (quality time), compromise,  appreciation, deadlines, responsibilities, expectations, contracts, heated argument that generate productive outcomes, deal breakers, growth, the bottom line, and "fringe benefits."  These attributes of business are the same for any relationship.  Relationships are work.... and in this case lets hope that you really "like" your "work"!! That you would only go into business with someone that you trusted in the first place and that you didn't settle for something because it was comfortable and had great benefits.  If you are partners in making your dreams reality then you will not be looking for a "side business." 

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