"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Monday, May 10, 2010

to appreciate

Appreciate means to be grateful or thankful for anything (wikipedia)... and yesterday there was a lot of appreciation for mom from children but was there appreciation for mom from partner?  There was an article that explained that the day after mothers day is one of the days that women cheat (or sign up on a discrete dating service).  They say that the day after Valentines and New Years Eve are first and third.  They also go on to explain why... saying that men cheat because they are looking for sex and women seek attention that they're not getting at home making them feel undesirable and unvalidated.  And for many women that already suffer from lack of appreciation, these days are a continuation of neglect and disappointment. 

I have to say, in the first place, that appreciation works both ways.  Communication and recognizing the differences between men and women also helps.  Positive feedback increases positive feedback... negative feedback increases negative feedback!! And asking for what you want usually leads to getting what you want... not saying anything and expecting your partner to read your mind (unless they really are a mind reader) will get you no where.  If you are feeling lonely then you should write a letter, sit, talk or "make whoopie." Why in the world would you want to seek someone or something else? You married, or are with, the man/woman of your dreams so why wouldn't you appreciate them and make them happy.  How can cheating make things better? It is an awful band-aid that covers the wound with negative, makes you feel bad about yourself in the long run, and in turn can only make everything worse.  If you are not happy and have given up on the relationship do yourself and everyone around you a favor and end the relationship before you start another.  I am so sick of hearing about cheating.   When trust is broken... you can't take that back.  It sounds so easy and really it is... love the one your with!!!  Relationships are hard work and are worth it, to have a great relationship with the one you love.  When I ask the people who have relationships that I admire, "why they think they have such a good relationship?" they always say the same thing... respect, appreciation and love.  They make good partners and they work together.  There are tough times but with respect and appreciation you can make it through and trusting that you will be there for each other is key.  Please say out loud or write a sweet note to the one you love today :) Smile at them and ask for something that you want! Appreciate them and give something in return!!!

Have a beautiful day :)


1 comment:

  1. Love this...its simple but its not...I agree cheating is never the answer.
    I just caught up on your posts! You are great Miss T and I am working on trying to get a web site up at work, I think we should write for it together. The old myfreediet.com? You are a GREAT writer! :)
