"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Monday, May 17, 2010

Order or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?

I often hear myself and friends say "I am OCD."  Why do we label our cleanliness as a disorder... the disorder should be coined for the messy out of order people that make picking up and putting away a "repetitive behavior."  Why did the term OCD start being used so loosely? How did something positive like preferring a clean, uncluttered and organized house get labeled as a disorder.   I am by no means knocking anyone that actually has a compulsive disorder... I just think the term is overused.  The CEO of his business loves to say that I have "Select OCD," because I like to have everything in its place but some select things can be out of order.  First, the objects that are out of order are foreign, temporary objects that have been brought in and do not have a place.  Second, I have learned to give time and have a little patience before I start "nagging" or "complaining" about them being being left in a random place (usually right in the entrance of the house)... which has translated to the selective part.  Third, I have also learned that a grace period of a day or two is enough before I end up putting them away myself anyway.  Thank goodness for the garage which is our storage unit/"man cave."  That being said... I also have piles and messes that I make of things before they are ultimately put in there place.  And I always love having my "really" organized friends help organize.  I like to read tips on how to be more organized and strive to be the person that cleans out my closet often and organizes everything by color.  Not because I am obsessive but because I like things to be visually pleasing.  My closet is arranged by no sleeve, short sleeve, long sleeve, dresses (by sleeves and length), shorts, skirts, jeans, pants, juicy suits... so there is some order.   My shoe closet looks like a work of art... Oh how I love shoes!!! I keep his closet organized by color... but i just think that all of his clothes are easier to keep this way.  And the house needs to stay presentable at all times because there are people at our house most everyday.  I believe this is order... not obsessive-compulsive disorder.
I have been reading and recommend, "Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui" By Karen Kingston. 

Have a beautiful day

1 comment:

  1. this is great!! Disorders are so overused.
