"No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys." ~Doug Horton

Thursday, May 13, 2010

a few of my favorite things...

I was the girl that dreamed of entering my corner office in Manhattan every morning.  Getting dressed in the morning started with a nice bath routine.  A long marble counter top full of product and girl goodies.  Entering my walk in, room of a closet and slipping on beautiful lacy lingerie, then the perfect fitting "power suit," choosing the perfect pair of "power pumps," detailed accessories, and jetting out of the door.  Being pampered would be a weekly "task"... not luxury :) Hair appointments, laser, nails, facials, body treatments... everything to keep me in the game.  Funny how guys just think we look good effortlessly :)
However, the path I chose was very different.  I went to work for a great company that had a very relaxed atmosphere far from NYC, far from dressing up and "power suits"... more like "juicy suits."  I do have a great loft right in the middle of the city and a fashion forward group of friends.  No room for any relationships... because I just didn't have the "time" nor had I met the right person to "make time" for. 
Enter the next stage of life... Meeting the man I had always dreamed about and also being the girl of his dreams.  After the proposal, the nesting stage set in and I wanted more than anything to take care of him, be with him and make sure that he was happy... and still do.  We both work at home and this is great because we can travel, be spontaneous and be together.  However, when he is the breadwinner and it is "his" money how do you ask for the things that make you feel like a pampered lady or just extra spending cash?  Just as the dust, dirt and clothes bunched up on the floor magically disappear and become clean, freshly laundered, folded, ready to wear items neatly placed in his drawers... We need time and the means to clean, primp, pamper, dress, and take care of ourselves.  I have not yet become completely dependent on the CEO of his business but these are the types of issues that concern me. 
So then do you get back in the rat race? Spend valuable time away from your partner? Put baby making on hold? Cancel out any chance of more than 2 weeks vacation a year? Leave the cleaning and taking care of the house to someone else?  NO!!! If you are fortunate to be CEOofMyHouse and take care of your family then these are all of the things that you love about being a homemaker...and sometimes love to hate.  No matter your money situation, most girls know how to do this on a budget... but we need a budget.  When you are the CEOofMyHouse and your income is worth the same as Monopoly money, how do you come to an agreement to have your "own" money and not having to constantly ask.  Money is a hard topic to approach and most often uncomfortable.  Should the CEO of his business be responsible for making the money and sharing it?  Well YES!  After all, taking care of your partner, the household, yourself, and family(kids, employees, pets) is a nonstop job and should be appreciated and respected by the "bread"winner.  You may not sit at a desk all day and "make" the money but you are CEOofMyHouse and that is a very respectable title filled with many major responsibilities. If you have a successful or unsuccessful story please comment.

Have a beautiful day

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